The Canadian Union of Skilled Workers British Columbia

Join CUSW-BC today for a more secure tomorrow.

The Canadian Union of Skilled Workers (CUSW) has a long history of standing up for workers, protecting their rights, and making safe working conditions and good pay and benefits a priority. For workers looking to join a union in British Columbia, CUSW is the best choice.CUSW is a proudly independent, democratic union based on membership engagement, fairness and participation from the ground up. The values that CUSW members have always fought for and won in the workplace are what they experience within their union every single day.

A message from CUSW-BC Chair, Gary Fiege

Dear Friends,

The culture of the Canadian Union of Skilled Workers (CUSW) is well suited to representing workers in all forms of employment in British Columbia - permanent, casual and contract. 

These various employment relationships provide different types of "job" security, but combining them within one union structure offers a more reliable and comprehensive way of meeting the needs of you and your family.

CUSW aims to become your "community" for work-related issues and activities in British Columbia by expanding work opportunities, building relationships with new employers and forming innovative partnerships with like-minded individuals and companies.

From our inception, men and women just like you have joined CUSW for a broad range of reasons: many to access employment, some to remain active on the employment list in the event they lose their current job and others because they want to build an alternative union in British Columbia - one to be proud of and that reflects Canadian values.

In addition, CUSW understands that as important as benefit plans, retirement programs and family services are to you, self-confidence, a positive outlook on your work environment and the opportunities offered by union membership will contribute substantially to our long-term success, both inside the union and throughout the province of British Columbia.


Democratic Participation

The Canadian Union of Skilled Workers is an organization built from the bottom up.  Concepts like democracy, membership participation, respect, diversity and fairness aren’t just punchlines.  They are values built into the very fibre and core of our union. 

First, members aren’t just “dues payers.”  They’re active participants in directing the future of their union.  That’s why CUSW in British Columbia is structured on the principle of democratic accountability by its leadership to rank and file members throughout the union. 

Secondly, “bosses” don’t exist in CUSW.  There are elected officials chosen from – and by – the membership.  Our union responds to the needs and demands of the membership.  The rank and file direct the leadership, not the other way around.  That’s the way unions should be, and CUSW is proud of its democratic traditions.
Skills trade union in Vancouver, Surrey, Burnaby, Richmond
How can I join a union in British Columbia


CUSW believes that diversity is a strength.  Our members in places like Vancouver, Nanaimo, Surrey, Victoria, Richmond and the Interior of British Columbia come from a broad array of cultures from all over the world.  Our union wouldn’t have it any other way.  CUSW brings together the best of all worlds, and is as diverse as the communities where our members live and work.

Especially in provinces as diverse as British Columbia, CUSW also recognizes that workers’ rights are human rights, and no one should have to suffer from discrimination based on race, gender, religion, language, economic background, sexual orientation or origin.  It has no place in any workplace or organization.  Equity and fairness are principles that are fully engrained in our union’s progressive constitution and organizational structures. 

Safety Culture

CUSW also recognises that safe and healthy workplaces should be a way of life.  Every worker in British Columbia and throughout Canada who becomes injured, gets sick or even killed on the job is one worker too many, and our union believes that workplace safety is everyone’s responsibility.  CUSW sisters and brothers make it a priority to protect each other at work.

In Our Communities

Our union isn’t an island onto itself.  CUSW recognizes that unions have a major role in nurturing a fair and democratic society.  That’s why our union encourages elected officials at both the provincial and federal levels to pass progressive legislation that protects our universal health care system, public schools, natural environment, improves wages, benefits and working conditions for all workers, fights for equality, and creates a Canada where everyone can succeed, and no one is left behind.

The values of democracy, equity and respect that we practice each and every day in our union is what we want to see for everyone in British Columbia, throughout the country, and for all workers around the world.